Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Signs of the times, but, like Alfred E Neuman says

Friday, October 23, 2009

No, it's not summer in San Francisco, once again it's time for October baseball in Philadelphia

The Dodgers were welcomed by the sweet children of Philadelphia

Even Beth H was tailgatin. (Even though it was in the car, by herself)

We even had the youth of today on our side. (Uh Oh, we're in trouble)

The New and Improved Dodgers and Fox Sports and Aunt Sue and everybody else that picked the Dodgers, forgot 1 thing. - Like Lady "O" says

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My latest adventure was the Friday before Labor Day. Roger and I did a 2 mile swim around Governors Island. For those of you that aren't geography majors, the island sits in NY harbor between Manhattan and Brooklyn.

We jumped off the back of the Water Taxi at the start. Manhattan is in the background.

Below is a shot of the island. The white, round building on the left is an air vent for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. The tunnel was somewhere below where we were swimming.

The low round building is Castle Williams. It was built in the early 1800's to protect the harbor. The thing just to the right, is the Statue of Liberty. (In case you went to school in Idaho)

We could also see the Brooklyn Bridge. The water was 75, but, it was the choppiest water I ever swam in, probably because of all the boats and wind.

After very carefully watching the women, I practiced getting changed under my towel. I think the girls are better at it. They don't fall down.

Missing from the picture, above the Staten Island Ferry is the site of the World Trade Center.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Eagles

This is a famous statue from the Copenhagen Airport. Not sure where they got the Phillies statue. Maybe somone can explain why everything posts from the bottom - up in this Blog.

When we got there are tickets weren't at the window. As it turned out, a friend of the Reid's was at the game and his name was Harrison. They gave him our tickets by mistake. Beth H was ready to go home before we got in. It took them about 20 minutes to figure it out.

The Eagles managed to win but they really sucked. The food was good though. We had chicken wings, sausage and peppers, pulled pork, sundaes, cookies, beer,wine soda, snapple. All in all, it was fun.

It was our first trip to the new stadium. As you can see it is right next to the home of the F'N World Champions.

Yes, It's hard to believe, but this is the second blog this year. We went to the Eagles game last night. One of us was dressed for the occasion. Note the cool green sneaks. I don't know if you remember number 81, but, that is my T.O. jersey. It's always a topic for conversation.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Yes, we finally did it. After much coaxing and painstaking searching we have found a picture to hang on our wall next to KOPJC. We were traveling through a shop in Gdansk Poland when this beauty caught our eye. I hope you enjoy it.